Senseless Sunday: Mammoth Stars

  1. The last pyramids in Egypt where finished before the last of the Woolly Mammoths died out.1 2
  2. The World as we know it was designated to end by a Viking myth on 2/22/20143 and by a modern economist on 3/4/2014.4  The quote from War Games rings through my head right now about “We’re still here!  We’re STILL HERE!”.
  3. Our Solar System is traveling at an average speed of 514,000 mph relative to the Milky Way galactic center.5

Senseless Sunday: A little dreamt out

    1. Only five words in the English language actually end with the letters “mt”: dreamt, daydreamt, undreamt, redreamt, and outdreamt.
    2. The invention of matches (rubbing a chemical dipped stick to create a flame with friction) came about in 1826.  The invention of the lighter (mechanical device to produce a flame) was first developed in the 1500’s.1
    3. As of 2008, the USA has more golf courses than the rest of the world combined.2

Senseless Sunday: Mort fog tail

  • Micromort is the unit of measure assigned to determining the risk of mortality in terms of one-in-a-million chance of dying.
  • The invention of the toothbrush has no well defined origin, but the first bristle toothbrush has been discovered in China from the Tang Dynasty (circa A.D. 619–907).  It used hog bristle.  Not quite the same as brushing your teeth with bacon flavored toothpaste, but close.
  • A cubic mile of fog is made up of 56,000 gallons of water.
  • The word coward original comes from Latin word couda, meaning “tail”.

Senseless Sunday: Dog’s life

  1. A dog was killed by a meteor at Nakhla, Egypt, in 1911.[1]

  2. The tallest recorded bamboo is 130 feet high.[2]

  3. World’s longest beaver dam is found in Alberta, Canada with a length of 2790 feet.[3]

  4. Adwaita, an Aldabra Giant Tortoise died at the age of 255 in March 2006 in Alipore ZooKolkataIndia. It was recorded the oldest Terrestrial animal in the world.

Senseless Sunday: Antarctica Water Pie

  1. Antarctica has two species of flowering plants: Antarctic hair grass (Deschapsia antarctica) and Antarctic pearlwort (Colobanthus quitensis).
  2. Boston Cream Pie is the the official state dessert of Massachusetts.  (Go figure.)
  3. Old trees can actually produce more carbon and methane than they absorb.[1]
  4. Currently, 400 species of sharks roam on the oceans of Earth.
  5. The fastest recorded swimming animal is the sailfish, which can swim  up to 68 mph.

Senseless Sunday: White officially responds to request to build Death Star

In this special edition of Senseless Sunday, we learn that plans to build a Death Star will not happen under the current U.S. Administration.  On We The People, when a petition reaches 25K votes, the White House issues a formal response.  The petition to build a Death Star was politely rejected by the White House recently.  In short, the White House doesn’t support the costs, nor do they support blowing up planets.