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There is still time to vote for your favorite ideas on this year’s SOLIDWORKS World 2015 Top Ten list. There are a lot of ideas this year. In fact, with nearly 10K submissions, this year’s list of ideas has broken all previous records. That means, there are a lot more ideas for which to vote!
To vote for your favorite ideas, first sign in to SOLIDWORKS Forum. Then, go to the SOLIDWORKS World 2015 Top Ten ideas areas (this link will only work once you sign in). Or, you can navigate to the voting area by logging on to the forum and going to General>SOLIDWORKS World 2015 Top List>Content>Ideas. Voting will close on Friday, January 23, 2015. The final top ten vote-getters will be announced at SOLIDWORKS World.
SolidWorks World 2012 Top Ten list actually included one drawing specific idea, and one more general idea that affected drawings within its scope. The odd thing about the Drawings ideas this particular year is that one of them is already addressed, and another is not clear about its intent. Given the variety of situations surrounding SWW2012’s submissions, I’ll add commentary to each idea for clarity.
SolidWorks World 2012 Top Ten Drawings Ideas
The implementation rate for Drawings ideas from the SWW12 list is a bit harder to calcuate, given status of several of the ideas. However, I’m going to call it 61%: counting #2, counting half for #3 and not counting #10 at all.
Voting has been open on the current SOLIDWORKS World 2015 Top Ten list for a couple of days. Go there are vote for your favorites. Vote on as many ideas as you wish! Just remember, you have to logon to see the ideas and vote for them.
Each year, SOLIDWORKS World has a top ten enhancement ideas countdown. For a couple of months before SOLIDWORKS World, ideas are submitted by users to the SOLIDWORKS World Top Ten idea forum (login required). Starting in mid-December, users have the opportunity to vote on the ideas they most want. This gives SOLIDWORKS a clear snapshot of what our customers need at that moment in time. The top ten vote-getters are shown on the big stage at that SOLIDWORKS World. The list varies from year to year as new enhancements are implemented or as customers’ needs change. Some ideas also reappear on the list over several years.
Dan Herzberg has compiled a list of these top ten lists, including when the ideas where implemented and how many times an idea appeared on the subsequent lists.
There is no focus on particular areas in the top ten list. The top ten highest vote-getting ideas are combined from parts, drawings, assemblies, and other areas. Since my main focus area on the SOLIDWORKS brand is “drawings”, it seemed like a nice idea to show the results for just the submissions for drawings.
We can show just the top ten Drawings ideas. Drawings includes topics such as BOMs, annotations, dimensions, etc. The first year we can look at is SolidWorks World 2011.
SolidWorks World 2011 Top Ten Drawings Ideas
The implementation rate for the SWW11 drawing list is 60% to date. None of these ideas had enough votes to get onto the official SolidWorks World 2011 Top Ten list, unfortunately.
There is still a couple of days to add new ideas on the current SOLIDWORKS World 2015 Top Ten list. Voting starts on the 15th, so go back and vote on as many ideas as you wish! Just remember, you have to logon to submit, see and vote for ideas.
SOLIDWORKS World 2015 Top Ten list is sill growing. The total number of submissions is at 592 as of 1PM EST today (11/19/2014)! We may even hit 600 by the end of the day. That would be 50 more submissions than last year. Get your ideas in!
Submissions are made via the SOLIDWORKS Forums in the General area under SOLIDWORKS World 2015 Top Ten and then Ideas. Or, you can go directly there via this link: Submit your ideas! Remember, you have to be signed into the SOLIDWORKS Forum to see and submit ideas.
If you’d like to read more about the Top Ten Ideas for SOLIDWORKS World 2015 (including what makes a good submission), see this article: Adding your ideas to the SOLIDWORKS World 2015 Top Ten List is easy.