SpacePilot PRO 3D Mouse: New Software Updates

3Dconnexion recently announced another free software update for the new SpacePilot PRO 3D mouse.  The most visible portions of this upgrade include new functions called Model Properties Applet and Intelligent Function Key Notification.  Both of these new functions add functionality to the SpacePilot PRO’s LCD.  If there ever was a device feature that needs added … Continue reading “SpacePilot PRO 3D Mouse: New Software Updates”

3Dconnexion’s new SpacePilot PRO 3D Mouse

Before this month, I’ve never owned any 3Dconnexion 3D-mice in my life.  Heck, I wasn’t even exactly sure how to pronounce 3Dconnexion.  That “x” in the middle of the name throws me off.  Despite this, I’ve had some interest in their devices.  This has never taken me to the point of testing one on my … Continue reading “3Dconnexion’s new SpacePilot PRO 3D Mouse”

3Dconnexion 3D Mice now support Vectorworks 2011

It seems that I cannot have too many technical articles on SolidWorks Legion without also having straightforward product announcements in the mix.  I’ll have a couple of articles later this week that cover a topic I found to be interesting regarding glass standards by Paul Bieber.  For now, here is a product announcement from 3Dconnexion. … Continue reading “3Dconnexion 3D Mice now support Vectorworks 2011”

3DConnexion SpacePilot PRO reviews are up…

I don’t normally post articles on holidays.  This one is just a short notice that I’ve added a synopsis of all my articles about the 3DConnexion SpacePilot PRO as a single review on, which is a bit more detailed than my review on  (The standards are a lot higher for reviews on epinions.)  … Continue reading “3DConnexion SpacePilot PRO reviews are up…”

3Dconnexion adds new functionality to existing toys

A few months ago at SolidWorks World 2010, 3DConnexion announced that they are adding 3D mouse capabilities for SolidWorks.  Their 3D mice now have a function that automatically and continuously determines the optimal center of rotation for any current view.  When a model is fully in view, the center of rotation is the center of … Continue reading “3Dconnexion adds new functionality to existing toys”

3D Connexion continues to develop SpacePilot PRO

An important feature for any electronic gadget is continued expansion of its capabilities (without having to buy a new replacement device). SpacePilot PRO is getting considerable support from 3DConnexion. The SpacePilot PRO, and the rest of the current 3DConnexion 3D mice line-up, now supports both SolidWorks 2010 and CATIA V6R2010. According to 3DConnexion, their 3D … Continue reading “3D Connexion continues to develop SpacePilot PRO”