Create the Future Design Contest

Create the Future Design Contest is an annual contest from NASA Tech Briefs and Dassault Systemes SolidWorks Corp.  Sigh.  Why is SolidWorks Corp still saddled with that crazy name that in no way represents it.  Anyway, this contest recognizes product design innovation in several categories.  This year’s winners represent quite an impressive collection of inventions.  The grand prize this year was certainly deserving.

LifeBelt CPRThe grand prize is the LifeBelt CPR of Deca-Medics, Inc.  It is a compact and lightweight device designed to be attached quickly to someone who is having a Sudden Cardiac Arrest.  It enables a rescuer to start CPR about 15 seconds or less.  It is even equipped with an intuitive readout that helps the rescuer determine correct CPR compression.

I recently saw a news story that stated that average person doesn’t have enough expertise or stamina to conduct CPR long enough to be effective.  It was stated that most people tire out after two minutes, and that CPR could require up to 8 minutes of constant compressions.  Unfortunately, not long after I found that report, a sad incident occurred locally.  Recently the San Francisco Bay Area, a school nurse died of exhaustion minutes after conducting CPR on a coach who mysteriously collapsed. A device like the LifeBelt CPR would prevent this kind of ironic sad news.