Polyplus propel potentional power, providing pertinent p…oh…nevermind. Polyplus new technology will allow for “ultra-high energy density [lithium] batteries ” to significantly increase battery charge. This will allow cellphones and many other devices longer times of operation between rechargings.

A microchip may soon be available from the minds at MIT that will allow blind people to acheive some level of sight. It’s not a full site, but “blind person to recognize faces and navigate a room without assistance.”
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Author: fcsuper
As a drafter, mechanical designer and CAD engineer, I've been in the mechanical design field since 1991.
For the first 8 years of my career, I was an AutoCAD professional. I utilized AutoLISP and many other AutoCAD customization features to streamline drafting activities for 6+ drafters and designers. I authored several custom functions, one of which was published in the March 1997 issue of Cadalyst Magazine.
Since 1998, I've been used SolidWorks non-stop. I've worked to utilize the SolidWorks' user environment to simplify drafting and design activities for 20+ engineers. I've created this website to provide current information about SolidWorks from a variety of contributors.
More recently, I am now employed by Dassault Systemes as SOLIDWORKS Sr. Product Definition Manager to improve drawing, annotation and MBD related areas.
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