SolidWorks 2010 Rapid Dimension

Adding dimensions to parts on drawings is now quicker in SolidWorks 2010 with the addition of Rapid Dimension.  Once the user enters the Dimension command, Rapid Dimension allows the them to quickly position dimensions (almost automatically) as they are added.  Not only will dimensions automatically space out correctly as they are inserted, they will be inserted at the correct location, even without that location in view.

Now, each time a dimension is added to a drawing, SolidWorks will pop up with a pie, divided into two pieces for linear dimensions or four pieces for radial dimensions.  (Technically, these pies are called the rapid dimension manipulators.)

Linear Dim Pie Radial Dim Pie

Each piece of the pie represents the direction (which side of the part) that the user can choose to place their new dimension.  When the user selects the half or quarter, the dimension is placed in the correct location on that side of the part within the drawing view.

Rapid Dimension in Action

Two methods can be used to select the dimension location using the pie.  The user can simply LMB click on the portion of the pie in the desired direction.  The user can also use a mouseless method, by pressing tab to toggle between the pieces of the pie; then press the spacebar to select.  Additionally, the user can choose the ignore the choices offered by the pie to manually place the dimension, just as they would in previous versions of SolidWorks.

The auto-spacing between dimensions is determined by the user’s settings in Tools>Options…>Document Properties>Dimensions within the Offset distances field.  The ability to set default dimension line offsets has been in SolidWorks for quite some time, but it’s never been quite so useful as it is in Solidworks 2010.

Offset distances field

Within a few minutes of using Rapid Dimensions, many users will likely become instantly addicted to the new function, as it promises to be a major time saver when detailing drawings in SolidWorks 2010 and beyond.

Deleting Dimensions

One additional item about dimension placement is SolidWorks behavior when a dimension is deleted.  If the user deletes a dimension or even just removes text from a dimension, SolidWorks has the ability to automatically realign the spacing of the neighboring dimensions to get rid of gaps caused by that deletion.  The user has the option to turn this ability on by going to Tools>Options…>Document Properties>Dimensions to select the Adjust spacing when dimensions are deleted or text is removed checkbox.

SolidWorks 2010 More speed tests (Tune-up III)

So, I set out to make really bad use of Delete Face and Surface-Fill features.  This would be a completely outside the box type of screwing around that might not be expected, just to see if I can maximize the contrast between speed improvements from SolidWorks 2009 to SolidWorks 2010.

The motor-casing model that comes in the Samples folder of SolidWorks 2009 seems to tax SolidWorks a bit as is, all without any fancy features.  In SW 2009, I used the Delete Face feature to remove all of the internal walls in the main casing.  This was followed up with horrible Surface-Fill to patch the hole.  (Please take note of the rather unnecessarily wavy Surface-Fill results.)  After saving and Rebuilding twice, I checked the model’s Statistics.  The image below represents one of the better Rebuild (CTRL-Q) results I was able to achieve in SW 2009.  No surprizes.  Surface-Fill is on top and Delete Face is near the top.

Next, in SolidWorks 2010, I opened that very same file.  After saving in SW 2010 format, I closed the file and reopened it, then checked the Rebuild results there.  Strange….  I didn’t notice much of a difference.  This was starting to look a bit like my previous round of tests on another model (See the previous article in this series).  To check this further, another test needed to be done.

I deleted the Delete Face and Surface-Fill features and recreated them from scratch in within SW 2010.  Three things happened.  First, I was able to more quickly access both the Surface-Fill and Delete Face commands.  Second, SolidWorks made a much more logical choice in how to form the Surface-Fill feature.  Note how smooth it is versus the same feature created in the same fashion within SW 2009 (predictable results when creating features is another area where SW 2010 has improved). Third, look at what happened to the Delete Face Rebuild times!

Surface-Fill time reduced from 5.13s to 3.16s.  Delete Face time reduced from 0.63s to 0.09s!  It may be that the Surface-Fill time is more a factor of the simpler form than improvements in the underlying code.  However, since the software did make a more logical choice in the formation of the Surface-Fill, this still kinda counts.  Either way, the big news is the time savings on Delete Face!

Who really cares?!

OK,  OK, now the question from many comes up, “I’ve never use Delete Face; who cares about it!?”  In fact, in my test here, the difference in Rebuild times is entirely traced back to the Surface-Fill and Delete Face features.  No other Rebuild improvements are witnessed in any of the more common features.  So where does this leave individuals whose focus is on machine or sheet metal parts, where Delete Face would generally be very bad practice?  Well, as mentioned in the previous article, other areas have also been improved.

Improvements to multibody parts and related commands, Weldment cutlist updates, and equation performance have been reported by SolidWorks Corp.  Other areas may have also been improved, but I have yet to get confirmation of those.  The funny thing is that performance improvements aren’t really covered in the SolidWorks 2010 What’s New file!

In the What’s New file, I only found information about selecting a large number of entities within a sketch to create blocks as being “much faster”, and that Copy and Paste within Sketch mode is faster.  Nothing else readily comes up!  So, why does it seem that SolidWorks Corp is letting one of the more significant improvements in SolidWorks 2010 go under-reported (practically by word of mouth)?  I only found out about these improvements because the faster times for Delete Face was briefly demonstrated at the recent Blogger Event at SolidWorks HQ in Concord, MA.

The cynical side of me might say they’ve made no big announcement because they don’t want to make a big deal about how slow SolidWorks has been in the past.  However, the devil’s advocate might say that they’ve made so many improvements, they may not have a collected list of those items even now (as the case may actually be), and certainly didn’t have that list when the What’s New file was released.  Either way, it is almost fun trying to find the speed improvements, like an Easter Egg hunt (pun intended…and if you understand why that is a pun, you are truly a geek).

SolidWorks 2010 Runs Faster? Maybe! (Tune-up II)

On Monday, I announced that SolidWorks 2010 has had a tune-up.  The code in certain areas of the software had been getting a little long in the tooth, and long in the rebuild times too.  For SolidWorks 2010, the team at SolidWorks Corp set out to clean up some of the more inefficient code that’s been dragging SolidWorks down.  I’m not yet sure how successful they were in this endeavor.

Some of the areas have affected in this clean up (not a complete list):

  • the Knit Surface algorithm, which not only includes the Surface-Knit feature, but also all other features and commands that utilize the algorithm;
  • Multibody parts and related commands, mostly noticeable on a large number of solid/surface bodies;
  • Weldment cutlist update (body comparison)
  • Equation performance;
  • Delete Face feature.

Unassuming 2009 example modelI set out to see just how much improvement one might expect from a simple example of Delete Face.  (Reminder: I’m using SolidWorks 2010 Beta 2.)  I found a rather basic model example available in SolidWorks 2009.  Within SolidWorks 2009, I used Delete Face to delete one random surface.  The options I used were Delete and Fill/Tangent Fill.  It’s a self repairing deletion that would normally be used on something a bit more complex than a flat surface.

Average rebuild times (s):

  • SW 2009 w/o Delete Face:  .360
  • SW 2009 w/ Delete Face:  1.330
  • SW 2009, just Delete Face: .937
  • SW 2010 w/o Delete Face:  .390
  • SW 2010 w/ Delete Face:  1.210
  • SW 2010, just Delete Face: .823

The Delete Face feature does indeed have improved rebuild times, but with the options I choose, it’s not by much.  Then, I discovered something weird.  In SW 2009, I reloaded the model and found the Delete Face average time was 1.60 (for a total of 2.00)!  After suppressing the Delete Face feature and rebuilding a few more times, the total average rebuild time was again 1.33.  What the heck?  So, I tried this out in SW 2010.  First rebuild was a whooping 3.17 seconds for just the Delete Face feature! After rebuilding more, it settled down to average 1.31 (totalling about 1.86)! Only after the same suppression, unsuppression trick did the times return to what is shown in the table above.

This leads me to question: are there are different algorithms being used based on how SolidWorks becomes aware of a feature?  It is very strange behavior witnessed in both SW 2009 and 2010, though 2010 still does show some minor improvement for my overly simple test.  I’m going to dig further into this for upcoming articles.

SolidWorks 2010 tune-up

There’s something different about SolidWorks 2010.  It’s hard to put my finger on it.  It just seems to be a little …oh I don’t know… snappier or peppier.   That’s strange.   I mean, there are obvious improvements in such areas as user interface, reliability and predictable feature results, but there’s something else.

Well, I lie, I know exactly what is different.  SolidWorks has had a tune-up.  There’s a ton of really old code in SolidWorks that’s been acting like built-up sludge in an old 4-cylinder 1.0 litre engine that was stuffed into a 1969 Mustang Fastback.   (I know that the analogy is wrong on so many levels, which is the point.)   Some of that old code has now been cleaned up.  It’s not a magical change in every area.  But there is improvement on certain types of solid model features.  Due to the code clean up, those features will rebuild (much) faster.  This is accomplished without SpeedPak or Lightweight memory hacks, er I mean tricks, er I mean shortcuts, I mean…nevermind.  SolidWorks will naturally rebuild models faster now.   Finally, this is the improvement many of us have been requesting for years!  We still have the advantage of SpeedPak and Lightweight, but now the actual features themselves will rebuild faster with more efficient underlying code.  To realize the improved rebuilt times, each solid model must be saved as SolidWorks 201o format.  (Even SolidWorks 2010 will still rebuild older files inefficiently until that are saved in the current format.)

I hope to have a list of improved features soon.  One feature where I’ve seen significant improvement is Delete Face, which used to be memory intensive with long rebuild times.  It now rebuilds much quicker.

SpacePilot PRO 3D Mouse: New Software Updates

3Dconnexion recently announced another free software update for the new SpacePilot PRO 3D mouse.  The most visible portions of this upgrade include new functions called Model Properties Applet and Intelligent Function Key Notification.  Both of these new functions add functionality to the SpacePilot PRO’s LCD.  If there ever was a device feature that needs added functionality, it is the LCD on the SpacePilot PRO.

Model Properties Applet

This new applet enables engineers to quickly view supposed key model information on the SpacePilot PRO’s LCD.  The claim from 3DConnexion is that this somehow increases productivity and makes things easier for workgroups to collaborate. I’m not sure how this applet makes collaboration easier.  The applet just displays fundamental document information on the LCD.  It doesn’t transmit this data or pull information from my PDM.

For a drawing, the function is very basic, indeed.  The applet tells me that I am looking at a drawing (go figure), and shows the computer network name of the drawing’s author, file size, file creation date, file last saved date, and the computer network name of the last person to save the file.  There is nothing particularly “key” or “vital” about any this information.  The applet would be far more useful if it allowed the user to modify the information on the display.  For example, for me key information from a drawing would be a list of particular custom property names and their values, and the name of the model in the dominant pre-defined view (the view from which the part custom property values are derived).

Slightly more useful information is available for models, including mass, volume, material and density.  This same information is displayed for assemblies, though I’m not sure why.  Wouldn’t it be more useful to show me the total number of parts in the assembly, or an estimate on how many seconds would be required for a force rebuild (CTRL-Q)?  My suggestion to 3DConnexion is to completely dump the file information and add these kind of data for all document types.

Intelligent Function Key Notification

This is a fancy name for the fact that the LCD now displays a quick pop-up window which shows the user which button command they activated.  It does this regardless to the applet that is running on the LCD.  This way, the user will always have visual confirmation as to which command they just executed.  This is a moderately useful function for someone who has just finish mapping their programmable buttons and needs queues to help reinforce the memorization of that mapping.  If the user has already memorized their button mapping, this function provides little benefit. For now, I like this function, but I can easily imagine that I will ignore it eventually.

“S” Shortcut key

One bonus for SolidWorks users is that 3DConnexion recently added support for the “S” shortcut key.  It can now be added to the programmable buttons directly without having to create a device macro.  This function was secretly added to the previous software upgrade for the SpacePilot PRO, but 3DConnexion is now bragging about it.  They also stated that this “S” shortcut key support has been added for SpaceExplorer and SpacePilot Speed Keys. My only criticism here is that any key and key-combination should already be supported by the software for these devices.  My 1990’s programmable keyboard supports any key combination in its “PF” keys.  Why are these not fully supported by 3DConnexion’s 21ST Century product offerings?


Having just recently updated my SpacePilot PRO drivers and software with this new announced version, I can say that installation was easier this time around.  In the past, installation has been a bit of a pain.  One problem plaguing the SpacePilot PRO is that its software and drivers need to be the last item installed on your computer.  This means that if any supported application is installed after the SpacePilot PRO software, the SpacePilot PRO software needs to be reinstalled afterwards.  Crazy, huh?  Anyway, this upgrade was pretty painless this time, and I didn’t even lose my programmable key mappings, unlike previous upgrades and re-installs.   New 3DConnexion 3D mice shipped in September 2009 will have the new version of the software and drivers included.  Otherwise, for Windows, download them from this location here.

SpacePilot PRO (overreaching? a short Part II)

I recently wrote a review questioning the fact that the SpacePilot PRO is a control device with an LCD screen.  As noted by my fellow blogger Jeff Mirisola of Jeff’s Tool Shed, 3D Connexion recently updated their drivers and software for the SpacePilot PRO.  This update fixed a few bugs in the software related to the saving of settings.  It should be noted that the problem I had with saving settings does not seem to be the same as others, and was minor by comparison.  The problem I found was with my programmable key maps being saved.  This issue was not fixed with the recent upgrade, but I’m not concerned because the workaround is already built-in.  The possible cause of all this is the strange fact that there are more than one program used to control the key mappings. Since I know which program to use to save my key maps, I’m not terribly concerned with it not working in their second program.  The second program doesn’t allow for as many functions to be assigned to the buttons too, which I find odd.

OK, back to the point.  As said, I criticized the existence of an LCD screen on the SpacePilot PRO.  I wondered why the device had one.  It didn’t seem to be of much use.  Well, with the recent update of the 3DConnexion drivers, I take this back.  The LCD screen is now very useful to display key mapping in a very clear and much better organized method.  Now obvious is the function programmed for a particular button.  With this, I’m now able to get use out of the LCD screen, and I am more comfortable with the use of the programmable buttons too.  It really expands the device’s user-friendliness.  So, the only question left (besides making the secondary key mapping program work 100% as expected) is whether this device is worth the $500 price tag.  The price does seem to be pushing the upper limit of what one might expect to pay for a control device, particularly one that doesn’t replace any other control devices (you’ll still need a mouse).

OK, I think I beat this dead horse long enough.  I’ll just close with saying, if you have the need for a 3D mouse, then this is certainly the king of them all!