Sneak Peak of SolidWorks 2013: Routing along existing geometry

From SolidWorks Blog:

In SolidWorks 2013, The Auto Route tool includes an option to create a route based on existing geometry. To route along geometry, specify a start point, one or more planar faces, and an endpoint in the Auto Route PropertyManager. Routing automatically creates a route from the start point to the end point that runs parallel to the faces. You can specify the distance between the route and each planar face.

Staying Connected to all things SWW10

Connect to the SolidWorks Community

There’s already a lot of buzz being built about SolidWorks World 2010 (SWW10), even with it being months away.  To help readers keep track of the goings-on, SoildWorks website has a pipe that feeds articles from many of the SolidWorks related blogs.  Not every article fed into the pipe is going to be about SolidWorks World 2010 right now, but a lot of them are about it already (such as the article you are reading right now).

Additionally, on that same webpage resides a Twitter fed pipe for all tweets labelled with the hatch #SWW10 or #SWW2010.  Since the SolidWorks World 2010 hatch is used, it’s a sure bet that the tweets fed into the pipe are about SWW10 in some fashion or another.  There aren’t many tweets just yet, but as we get closer to the conference, this will change drastically as more comments and planning are discussed.

In addition to this, I’ve set up the Twitter pipe on SolidWorks Legion, which will remain visible in the upper right menu until some time after SWW10 concludes in January 2010.  *Update, I’ve removed the Twitter feed from my sidebar due to slow load times.  Please see my Twitter feed page.*