This entry is part 3 of 5 in the series SOLIDWORKS Certification

CSWA, CSWP, CSWP advanced modules, and CSWE are all important certifications that demonstrate a person’s skill level with SolidWorks. One of the easiest ways to let others know that you’ve successfully passed a SolidWorks certification exam is to list the certificate on There are several ways to do this.
A very common method right now is to simply add “, CSWP” to your last name, as in “Smith, CSWP”. This will show your certification to anyone searching people on Linkedin. However, this method is very limited since it’s impractical to show multiple certifications, such as “Smith, CSWA, CSWP, CSWP-WELDMENTS, CSWP-FEA”. My recommendation for this method is to simply show the highest tier of certification you’ve earned (CSWA, CSWP or CSWE).
In addition to that method, you can list all of your certifications on Linkedin. Linkedin gives you the ability to add Certifications as a heading on your profile. To do this:
There are a lot of extra benefits to attendees of SolidWorks World 2013. One benefit is that when you sign up to attend, you are given the option to take a free SolidWorks certification exam at SolidWorks World. My advice is that if you do not yet have certification, take the exam! It’s free with your full conference pass!
There are two entry points for certification on SolidWorks:
I’ve heard that some people shy away from taking the exam because they are not confident in their skills. I’ve heard this from some well experienced individuals. If you have neither certification and are nervous about the exam, then attempt the CSWA exam. If you are already a CSWA or have been in industry for awhile, than take the CSWP-CORE exam. Preparation is still very important in either case. There are plenty of materials that are available to help get yourself read for the exam. There’s even a sample exam with which you can practice!
The exams are held on Sunday, January 20, 2013, the afternoon prior to the official start of SolidWorks World 2013 at Disney’s Swan and Dolphin Resort.
The June SW Legion Contest asked the brave ones among us to provide the very simplest ellipsoid within Solidworks. It turned out that the rules where a little too general. In my excitement to announce this contest, I failed to specify that I was looking for scalene ellipsoids, not just any old sphere. I also left off the detail that I wanted a fully defined solid model.
Due to this oversight, I will be awarding two CSWP tests this month. One test will go to the person that technically fulfilled the initial requirements. The second test will be awarded to the person that produced the simplest scalene ellipsoid.
June SW Legion Contest has received eleven entries from ten individuals. A couple of entries were just for fun. One was a PDF of a model created in AutoCAD, and the other was a simple sphere submitted by a fellow blogger (who himself is giving away CSWPs, so does not need another one from me). Technically, his entry would’ve tied with the other entry that used the same method to create a Prolate spheroid.
The easiest way to make a sphere or similar object in SolidWorks is to have a single sketch of an arc that is then revolved. We have one serious entry that used this method by Sandeep Pawar. He has requested the CSWP test. Best of luck, Sandeep, and congratulations!
I have further review to undertake in order to declare a victor for the search for the simplest scalene ellipsoid SolidWorks model among the entries. I have four very compelling entries which I’m currently looking over. More details to come.
The June SW Legion Contest is a different kind of challenge! The task is to submit the simplest SolidWorks model of an ellipsoid possible. The person with the least combined number of features and sketches wins. Use of equations is highly encouraged.Â
The submitter must be the author of the file they submit.Â
Contestants may email their entry to me at my email address by the end of July 6, 2009 PDT.
The prize is one CSWP test of your choice (CSWA, CSWP, CSWP Sheetmetal, CSWSP FEA, etc).  Â
Past winners of the Legion Contest are eligible. In the event of a tie, tie breaker will be in the form of email roshambo.
Best of luck to everyone!